The first candidate in the Pax Populi Educational Outreach program is an impressive young woman named Shogofa. To learn more about this, please see our post, “Hoping to Welcome Shogofa.

As we enter the process of trying to help Shogofa come to the United States to advance her education, we thought some would be interested to know about her through some of her writings. Shogofa is a talented, sensitive, and thoughtful writer. Her essays are a window onto deep, universally meaningful experiences and aspirations that are representative of Afghans in this period when the country struggles to emerge from its decades of war and hardship. Above all we hear in her writings the hope and hardships of Afghan women today.

Here we have posted two of her essays: “Life Leaves Us Turn By Turn,” and “The Walk.” More of here writings are posted at the website of the Afghan Women’s Writing project (