
Miss Zakia Soleiman is an passionate and respected young emerging Afghan leader on women’s rights. She graduated from the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) in December 2010. Since 2005 she has held a variety of senior management positions in a variety of organization both international and domestic.

Her past experience has included management of various projects in capacity building of civil society organizations, education, women empowerment and gender equality program among others. A key element in the majority of the projects she worked on is to develop a systematic method to advance Afghan women’s capacity and empower them to raise their voice when their rights are violated and enhance their capacity to become self-sufficient.

In addition, she has been an active member of American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) and took part in the “Afghan NATO Students Forum” in Bayonne, France, and “Global Young Leaders Forum” in Qatar presenting Afghanistan. She also presented a position paper on the “Transition impact on Afghan women after NATO departs” in NEW YORK on the 12th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in October, 2012.


Miss. Soleiman has been involved in a series of leadership activities and has held numerous leadership positions. She was among first founders of the AUAF Alumni Association and served as its treasurer. She is also a member of the Asia Society Young Leaders of Afghanistan where she along with the group of similar young leaders met with the decision makers and politicians to influence them to incorporate AYLI opinion as part of the national development policy. This ensured that the younger generation’s voice and opinions are included in social, political and economical development of Afghanistan.

Recent organizations she has been engaged by for women’s empowerment and gender equality were with the Counterpart International, Aid Afghanistan for Education, Creative Associates International Inc. (United States-Ambassador Small Grant Program for Gender Equality in Afghanistan), British Council Tawanmandi Project and recently served with the Afghan Women’s Network as Technical Advisor developing a three years strategic plan. She is Currently working with Research Institute for Women in Peace and Security (RIWPS) and leading a net work of youth to ensure that they have an impact and a voice in the future of Afghanistan. This includes youth, and the economical, political, social and cultural participation through a component of youth mentorship and leadership skills development of young women.

Miss Soleiman continues to be recognized in Afghanistan as one of the leading advocates for women and youth. Her work has been recognized by a number of International donor agencies and Embassies in the country and through her presentation of papers at a number of international and national symposiums, workshops and events.  Her work in this all important sector of Afghanistan’s development is on going and is implemented by her engagements in a variety of small and large organizations in throughout the country.  Her expertise is in high demand and her efforts are impacting on the development of women’s issues, Gender equality and youth empowerment.


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