By Nahid Walizadda
Let me whisper to you in my voice
I am a little bride
I was born in a place where my voice shouldn’t be heard
The place that immediately claims ownership of me
It sees my hopelessness
A body that broke under the price you put on it
It holds over me, takes my heart, my dreams, my rights, my dignity, my life
I am an object which is sold
A heart to be ignored
A thing to be broken
If I knew that you would sell me like a broken object
I would have returned hungry from the table
Like thousands of girls, I am caged
Like thousands of girls, I must commit suicide if there is no one to support me
I lost my way in the darkness, this place where no light shines,
A place where I suffocate from the lack of the air I breathe
Look at me just once, don’t turn your eyes away
Look at me, I am innocent
Give me my rights
Take my hand and release me from this tradition where girls remain silent
Don’t cover my sad face with makeup
I am a girl, I am God Gifted
I have a heart
1 Comment
Eisha · February 6, 2016 at 7:25 am