Pax Populiâ„  has added a new landing page on Facebook. First time visitors to the site will go there automatically. If you have already been to the Pax Populi’s Facebook page, you may need to click on the “Welcome” tab. Given the popularity of Facebook, we designed this landing page to provide newcomers with a concise introduction to Pax Populi through words and images. Please take a look at it by clicking here and let us know what you think. And also, if you haven’t done so already, we’d appreciate it if you would show your support for our efforts to advance peace in Afghanistan by clicking on the “thumbs up – Like” icon. Please also ask your friends to do so as well.

We want to thank all the many people who are supporting our work and especially Diversified Data Technologies, LLC, the company that donated its skills and talents to create the page for Pax Populi.

We wish you all a strong and lasting peace in 2011 and in the years that follow.

Categories: Uncategorized


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